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Xena - Mom

Xena was born August 14th, 2020.  (NFS)

She is one of the most beautiful, loving German Shepherds you could ever meet. As a matter of fact, she needs to give hugs before she will even let you go.  She loves giving hugs to her Girl!

Xena is also one of the larger Shepherds weighing in near 100 pounds! Definitely not a lap-dog!   Her last litter she gave birth to 8 puppies.  She is the most awesome Mom!  She did such a good job teaching her pups how to act.  They knew better than to bight her while she was nursing them.  They learned how to nibble properly which made it so nice when nibbling on a human hand as well. Her pups always seem to have very good  dispositions and calmness.  During the last puppy Vet visit, it was said that her litter was the absolute calmest litter they had seen in their office.  

A fun fact about Harley is, she was such a well bred dog when we went to pick her out that we had to get two of her siblings too! Ace is her brother and Murphy is her sister!

Xena's Available Pups

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